What are they dong to this man.
Two weeks ago Richard was spared the needle 3 hours before his execution.
Yesterday it was an incredible 1 minute before they put the needle in him.
This is the 3rd time he has been hours from death this year.
Putting a man through this phycological torture Is diabolical.
The new execution date is set for November 6th.
Two days before yesterday's planned execution he lost an appeal 2/3. ( so two judges were unsure of his guilt) Then hours before his execution yesterday the supreme court also turned down his appeal. At the final minute his execution was postponed on grounds of the drugs being used to put Richard to death.
His first conviction was over turned because the judge described evidence as " very weak" and his legal representation incompetent. ( In England that would make him a free man) Richard then refused a plea deal in which he would be a free man today, was retriled and convicted again.This man is on death role with no physical evidence against him, but based on the testimony of the killer who needed to implicate someone so he could avoid the death sentence. The police also lost/ destroyed evidence relevant in this case.
In America I56 people have been exonerated from death role since 1975. ( Source death penalty information centre)
The Rebel.